Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Still here!

Hi Friends!

After a gentle nudging from my mom I realized just how long it has been since I blogged.
Way too long.

I guess we have been a bit busy around here.
What have we been up to?

We moved...again.
We left our beloved Austin and trekked 4 hours up to Richardson, TX (just north of Dallas).
I don't get my nightly nature walks anymore but I am growing fond of our little bit of urban living we are doing up here.


We got married!

It was a wonderful day.
I have never been happier.

We went to Craft Riot in Austin! That was a good time! Lots of great new friends and talented artists.
Hope to be back next year!
We celebrated Thanksgiving here in Texas.
It was a great time, lots to be thankful for this year.

And for now I am looking forward to getting our new place set up and to start crafting again.
I finally have all my crafting supplies at my disposal!
I made some very cute chandelier crystal ornaments and even started painting the canvas bag Sweetie got for me almost 2 years ago now.

I promise more updates and general good fun!
See you soon!


1 comment:

SillyLittleLady said...

Congratulations on moving and getting *married*! I can't wait to hear how the show went :D